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  Shanghai & Delta
  Shanghai - Star
  Cover Story
Shanghai fish found safe despite scare (   2006-11-28 )
Despite warmth, cloudy prospects (   2006-11-28 )
Hotel chain courts Chinese super-rich  (   2006-11-28 )
More exchange with Taiwan University (   2006-11-28 )
Students selected for fashion houses (   2006-11-28 )
Giant crane cleared to lift at sea (   2006-11-24 )
Husbands feel at home with parents of partners (   2006-11-24 )
Women in Shanghai'take lead nationwide' (   2006-11-24 )
Local cooks plan for Western tastes (   2006-11-24 )
Plots of land put on market for developers (   2006-11-21 )
Teenage mother sentenced over death of newborn baby (   2006-11-21 )
Taiwanese senior citizen steals show at travel mart (   2006-11-21 )
High hopes for China's tourist trade (   2006-11-17 )
New traffic projects aim to improve pudong area (   2006-11-17 )
US commerce chief courts travellers at show (   2006-11-17 )
Lane Crawford reveals departure from city (   2006-11-17 )
Investigation into ultrasound claims (   2006-11-17 )
Strong yearpredictedfor banking industry (   2006-11-14 )
Leading schools open tour to tempt students (   2006-11-14 )
Women face fight to balance between family, business (   2006-11-14 )
Hunt for armed robberin Pudong (   2006-11-14 )
Global firms head east for cheaper office space (   2006-11-10 )
Direct Vienna fl ight to be suspended (   2006-11-10 )
Lesbian hotline ready for aunch (   2006-11-10 )
Looking for love on Singles' Day (   2006-11-10 )
Modern life takes its toll on families (   2006-11-10 )
Emerging baby boomlooms in coming years (   2006-11-7 )
Concern grows as locals fail to get flu vaccines (   2006-11-7 )
Men fight for space in front of mirror (   2006-11-7 )
Economy maintains its double-digit growth (   2006-11-7 )
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