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Famous Keven's goes Chinese
It feels more than just a surprise when you go to a seemingly expensive restaurant for the first time but soon find out the prices are actually much lower than you anticipate. At this moment, I usually look around the dining room alertly and suppose the food is not really good enough. But if the dishes turn out to be as satisfying as the price, it feels like I have won the lottery.
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Famous Keven's goes Chinese (2007-3-8 )
Steamy times in the city (2007-3-1 )
What's inside your bar of chocolate? (2007-3-1 )
The noble taste of Nepal (2007-2-15 )
A Soupcon of luxury China (2007-2-15 )
A buffet of ample choices (2007-2-8 )
A guilt-free gourmet brunch (2007-2-8 )
Healthy Cantonese- who can resist? (2007-1-25 )
An evening of boys — just for girls (2007-1-25 )
A spice of Sichuan life (2007-1-18 )
A wine wit h a 'come-hither ' quality (2007-1-18 )
Lunch with a view (2007-1-11 )
Cooking classes can be fun (2007-1-11 )
A secret tropical idyll (2007-1-4 )
Entering the Macao cuisine (2006-12-21 )
Western fl avours remain fi rm favourite (2006-12-14 )
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